Mastering strategy : workshops

Mastering Strategy: Workshops for Business Success uses a series of workshops to strip away confusion and present popular and proven strategy frameworks in an easy-to-understand, straightforward, and entertaining manner. Using everyday language that avoids jargon, the workshops in this comprehensive toolkit help readers identify the competitive patterns of any industry, understand any company's competitive position in its market, formulate a set of strategic solutions for a company, and recognize the risk-return trade-offs of those strategic solutions.

Método CREA de las oportunidades

¿Eres de los que piensan que el destino es inescrutable o que no dispones de los recursos y de las capacidades para moldearlo a tu favor? Entonces este libro te planteará una fórmula de gran calado, aportándote una nueva perspectiva, innovadora y aplicable desde el primer minuto y de alto impacto potencial para tu vida y la de los que te rodean. Si todavía recuerdas el libro Quién se ha llevado mi queso, de Spencer Johnson, si te marcó para siempre La Buena Suerte, de Álex Rovira y Fernando Trías de Bes, o si has leído y releído Los 7 hábitos de la gente altamente efectiva, de Stephen R.

The pursuit of excellence : the uncommon

A master class in achieving and sustaining excellence-even in the most challenging times-from the host of The Learning Leader Show and author of Welcome to Management. There has never been a more challenging time to be a leader. But truly great leaders have always found a way to adapt, and even thrive, under pressure. How do they do it? Leadership expert Ryan Hawk interviewed hundreds of the most productive achievers in the world on his acclaimed podcast, The Learning Leader Show, to discover the best practices for pursuing and sustaining excellence.

The poetic home : designing the 19th-century

The Poetic Home: Designing the 19th-Century Domestic Interior is one of several analytical studies of the history of nineteenth-century interior design that have appeared in the past decade. These include but are not limited to Judith W. Neiswander, The Cosmopolitan Interior: Liberalism and the British Home, 1870–1914 (2000), Charles Rice, The Emergence of the Interior: Architecture, Modernity, Domesticity (2007), and Charlotte Gere, Artistic Circles: Design and Decoration in the Aesthetic Movement (2010), to name only a few.

L'architettura dell'ipostilo

Il presente lavoro indaga l’archetipo dell’Ipostilo come singolare modalità di “edificazione dello spazio” architettonico che si caratterizza per uno stringente rapporto tra costruzione elementare – a partire dal sistema trittico architravato fino a quello reticolare spaziale – e misura normata della ripetizione uniforme o differenziata di un medesimo elemento – la colonna/sostegno nelle sue tante declinazioni – sia esso deputato o meno a sostenere una copertura.

Bauhaus 100+1

Bauhaus 100+1: Reverberaciones latinoamericanas hace parte de un esfuerzo por entender la producción del mundo material latinoamericano desde sus relaciones con los fenómenos culturales, estéticos y pedagógicos que produjo la icónica escuela alemana. En este libro el modernismo latinoamericano emerge con voz propia, revelando tanto las coincidencias como las disparidades, los encuentros y desencuentros con influencias, intelectuales y creadores europeos.
