AgonÍa y esperanza

Frédéric Heywood y Anna Wellesley son dos jóvenes alegres, ingeniosos y con ganas de comerse el mundo. Reconociéndose como hechos el uno para el otro, vivieron su amor incondicional durante unos meses de felicidad sin límite. Pero los condicionantes sociales de ella, perteneciente a una familia acaudalada y aristocrática, la llevaron a romper su relación con un simple aspirante a escritor de clase media.

Alguien ha roto el cielo

Demonios y filosofía para amantes del terror. Un libro para leer y releer. En su segundo recorrido, encontrarás sentido a detalles que pudieron pasarte desapercibidos en las doce pequeñas historias, aparentemente inconexas, que van sumando para descubrir una retorcida realidad. Pero qué mente más turbia tienes…

Integrated Chemical Processes

In an interdisciplinary approach to the design and operation of such processes, essential principles of Green Chemistry are realized, such as using long-chain olefins as model representatives of renewable raw materials, highly effi cient catalysts, and green solvents, linked with process optimization to improve energy and material efficiency.

Handbook of Industrial Chemistry

Provides a wealth of information and guidance on industrial chemistry and biotechnology. Industries covered span the spectrum from salt and soda ash to advanced dyes chemistry, the nuclear industry, the rapidly evolving biotechnology industry, and, most recently, electrochemical energy storage devices and fuel cell science and technology. Other topics of surpassing interest to the world at large are covered in chapters on fertilizers and food production, pesticide manufacture and use, and the principles of sustainable chemical practice, referred to as green chemistry.

Introducción a la química

Esta obra forma parte de una serie que se ha elaborado para cubrir de manera específica los planes y programas de estudio de los principales cursos a nivel superior: cálculo diferencial,cálculo integral, cálculo vectorial, álgebra lineal, ecuaciones diferenciales, estática, dinámica,física general y química.


Cinnamon is the common name for the spice obtained from the dried inner bark of several species of the genus Cinnamomum in the Lauraceae family. In world trade, Cinnamomum cassia (L.) J. Presl Cinnamomum burmannii dominate, but it is of a different quality to 'true' or 'Ceylon' cinnamon produced from Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (C. verum J. Presl), with the latter much easier to process, giving a more delicate, sweeter flavor with nuances of clove, but more importantly with only traces (often below detection thresholds) of coumarin, compared with 5-7 g/kg in other species. 
