Managing Infectious Diseases in Child

Completely revised and updated, the new sixth edition of this award-winning quick reference guide provides essential information about the prevention and management of infectious diseases in early childhood education settings, such as child care centers and schools. This edition is aligned with the most recent version of the premier American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) source of information on infectious diseases, Red Book®: 2021-2024 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 32nd Edition.

The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level

A comprehensive account of how government deficits and debt drive inflation Where do inflation and deflation ultimately come from? The fiscal theory of the price level offers a simple answer: Prices adjust so that the real value of government debt equals the present value of taxes less spending. Inflation breaks out when people don't expect the government to fully repay its debts.

Just Price in the Markets : A History

A concise history of "just price," from Aristotle to the present day The question of what constitutes a fair price has been at the center of market interactions since the time of Aristotle. Should a seller sell to the highest bidder, or is there some other standard, such as a morally defined price, to be applied? Charles R. Geisst traces the ways that philosophers, religious leaders, and economists have sought to answer that question, from antiquity through the modern era. Aristotle's thinking on usury influenced the idea of pricing well into the Renaissance.

The Influencer Industry

A critical history of the social media influencer’s rise to global prominence Before there were Instagram likes, Twitter hashtags, or TikTok trends, there were bloggers who seemed to have the passion and authenticity that traditional media lacked. The Influencer Industry tells the story of how early digital creators scrambling for work amid the Great Recession gave rise to the multibillion-dollar industry that has fundamentally reshaped culture, the flow of information, and the way we relate to ourselves and each other.

The Labor of Reinvention

Lin Zhang explores how the everyday labor of entrepreneurial reinvention is remaking China. She tells the stories of people from diverse class, gender, and age backgrounds across rural, urban, and transnational settings in rich detail, vividly conveying how the contradictions of entrepreneurialism have played out in China. The Labor of Reinvention: Entrepreneurship in the New Chinese Digital Economy" examines how digital transformation in China has spurred a surge in entrepreneurship.

Arquitectura y Videojuegos

Experimentar la emoción de un videojuego implica sumergirse en los mundos del juego, los cuales pueden reflejar la realidad o explorar la fantasía. En estos entornos, la coherencia es esencial para una inmersión completa. Desde los albores de la humanidad, los juegos han sido una parte integral de nuestra experiencia, y ahora sus mundos han encontrado su expresión más impresionante en el mundo digital.

Miradas convergentes

En su afán por conocer, la mirada del arquitecto se extiende sobre territorios que espera extraños. Es en estos territorios, concretos o abstractos, donde encuentra motivos para la inspiración, la reflexión o la interpelación sobre uno mismo. Uno de los territorios más recurrentes sobre los que se posa la mirada del arquitecto español se encuentra en las distantes regiones nórdicas del continente europeo. Sin embargo, lo que allí descubre no le resulta del todo ajeno.
