Fixed Income Analytics: Bonds in High

This book analyses and discusses bonds and bond portfolios. Different yields and duration measures are investigated for negative and positive interest rates. The transition from a single bond to a bond portfolio leads to the equation for the internal rate of return. Its solution is analysed and compared to different approaches proposed in the financial industry. The impact of different yield scenarios on a model bond portfolio is illustrated. Market and credit risk are introduced as independent sources of risk. Different concepts for assessing credit markets are described.

Applications in energy finance

This textbook investigates the linkages between energy-commodities markets, financial markets and the economy and incorporates different aspects of the energy market, organizing the relevant material in two distinct parts. Part one includes studies that relate to the impact of developments in the various energy-commodities markets (e.g., oil, gas) both on financial markets and economic growth, including studies that consider the impact of energy prices on financial markets or the effect on specific macroeconomic variables, such as interest rates, inflation, GDP.

The Economics of Sovereign Debt and Default

The Economics of Sovereign Debt and Default looks at the core friction unique to sovereign debt—the lack of strong legal enforcement—and goes on to examine additional frictions such as deadweight costs of default, vulnerability to runs, the incentive to "dilute" existing creditors, and sovereign debt's distortion of investment and growth. The book uses the tractable framework to isolate how each additional friction affects the equilibrium outcome, and illustrates its counterpart using state- of-the-art computational modeling.

Argumentos textiles

El propósito fundamental de este libro es analizar el campo del diseño textil, el rol del diseñador y su vínculo con la industria textil en nuestro país. Se realiza un recorrido por el origen, la evolución y los escenarios sociopolíticos-culturales y tecnológicos que influyeron en el desarrollo de esta disciplina y también se examina la asociación que existe entre el diseño textil con objetos provenientes de la indumentaria, la decoración y la arquitectura.
