Cellular-Molecular Mechanisms

A comprehensive approach to evolution is detailed that starts with the unicellular state and moves forward in a continuum to complex biology. Offers common ground for biology, physics, evolution, ecology, and the humanities in one concerted theory of life.  Focuses on the unicellular state as the level of selection, not the adult, as in Darwinian evolution.

Evolutionary Biology

The annual Evolutionary Biology Meetings in Marseille serve to gather leading evolutionary biologists and other scientists using evolutionary biology concepts, e. g. for medical research. The aim of these meetings is to promote the exchange of ideas to encourage interdisciplinary collaborations. Offering an up-to-date overview of recent findings in the field of evolutionary biology, this book is an invaluable source of information for scientists, teachers and advanced students.


Setting the standard for excellence, accuracy, and innovation Biology: A Global Approach delivers a trusted, accurate, current, and pedagogically innovative experience that guides students to a true understanding of biology. The author team advances Neil Campbell's vision of meeting and equipping students at their individual skill levels by developing tools, visuals, resources, and activities that encourage participation and engage students in their learning.
