Reading Financial Reports For Dummies

Your personal roadmap to becoming fluent in financial reports. At first glance, the data in financial reports might seem confusing or overwhelming. But, with the right guide at your side, you can learn to translate even the thickest and most complex financial reports into plain English. In Reading Financial Reports For Dummies, you'll move step-by-step through each phase of interpreting and understanding the data in a financial report, learning the key accounting and business fundamentals as you go.

International financial management

Gestión Financiera Internacional proporciona a los estudiantes una base para el análisis a través de un texto bien organizado, completo y que brinda una cobertura actualizada de los temas. Al igual que las primeras nueve ediciones, está escrito basándose en dos principios: énfasis en lo básico y énfasis en una perspectiva gerencial. El alcance y el contenido de las finanzas internacionales han evolucionado rápidamente debido a ciclos de desregulaciones y regulaciones de los mercados financieros, innovaciones de productos y avances tecnológicos.

De Gruyter handbook of business families

The management field increasingly recognizes that most firms in the world are family firms and that these entities operate differently from the non-family firms on which most of our current management theories are based. The De Gruyter Handbook of Business Families brings together work from leading academics who explore emerging research themes relevant to business families, particularly drawing in new insights from adjacent disciplines that can advance the family business field.
