The Project Administrator: Perspectives to Project Support Services

The application of projects in various organizational settings and for multiple purposes is accelerating at a rapid pace. Increasingly public and private sector institutions and enterprises appreciate the value of projects to render services and products on time, within budget and according to quality specifications. The ultimate success of projects is, however, dependent on the professional expertise of dedicated support staff.

New Waves in Innovation Management Research

Launched in 2011 to recognize the prolific contribution that PhD dissertations make to the field of Innovation Management, the ISPIM Dissertation Award selects three winners from the possible 100+ entries every year. Aided in the selection process by the generous support of Innovation Leaders, the ISPIM presents the awards at their annual Innovation Conference. With only three finalists being selected each year, many excellent submissions do not receive the recognition they deserve.

What Is the Token Economy?

Blockchain-based protocols like Bitcoin and Ethereum have made sending digital values in the form of tokens as cheap and easy as sending an email. But while cryptographic tokens (sometimes called "cryptocurrencies") may be as important to the next-generation internet as the World Wide Web was to Web 1.0, people aren’t yet sure how to best design tokens or even what to do with them.

Value Construction in the Creative Economy

The book provides a critical and integrative analysis of value as it pertains to different aspects of creative and cultural industries. The notion of 'value' – a frequently used but rarely considered term – is deconstructed and considered as a spatial and structural impact, an active resource and process, and as soft institutions and embodied forms which collectively create a space through which value is constructed and negotiated. This book consists of three main sections: normative valuation, value and transformation from interactions and process, and embodied value.

Diseño urbano bioclimático. Modelado y simulación digital

A lo largo del libro Diseño urbano bioclimático, resultado de una iniciativa de investigación de varios años al interior de la Escuela de Arquitectura y de la Escuela de Ingeniería de los Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente, se describe el proceso de formulación y verificación de un modelo experimental de diseño urbano basado en la integración de herramientas digitales para la recolección, sistematización, evaluación y edición de información asociada con el proyecto.

Arquitectura moderna en México

La historia de la arquitectura moderna mexicana ha sido narrada por distintos autores desde ortodoxias universales que tratan de hilvanar un discurso continuo, con capítulos atentos a la cronología, las escuelas, las tendencias, los maestros y los ismos. Si alguna de ellas ha sido abordada por un solo autor, otras han sido editadas con la participación de notables especialistas en cada tema tratado.

Arquitectura Bioclimática

La propuesta nace sobre la base de constituirse en una "primera aproximación a las casas bioclimáticas" y, tiene como propósitos, en relación con el tema planteado expresar algunas consideraciones e ilustrar sobre proyectos y obras internacionales y nacionales. Son sucintas reflexiones sobre lo que se considera arquitectura bioclimática, planteamos los principios que rigen la adecuación de las viviendas de interés social.
