Tertuliandes: Escuela de lectores
Otro cuento en la U: 'El Zorro Chuleta'
Sport & Exercise Psychology Review
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IRSEP) is the first scholarly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes critical reviews of research literature in sport and exercise psychology. Typically, these reviews evaluate relevant conceptual and methodological issues in the field and provide a critique of the strengths and weaknesses of empirical studies that address common themes or hypotheses.
Scientific american
Scientific American cubre las investigaciones, ideas y conocimientos más importantes y emocionantes en ciencia, salud, tecnología, medio ambiente y sociedad. Está comprometida con compartir conocimientos confiables, mejorar nuestra comprensión del mundo y promover la justicia social.
The Civil War and American art
The American Civil War was arguably the first modern war. Its grim reality, captured through the new medium of photography, was laid bare. American artists could not approach the conflict with the conventions of European history painting, which glamorized the hero on the battlefield. Instead, many artists found ways to weave the war into works of art that considered the human narrative--the daily experiences of soldiers, slaves, and families left behind.
Finding one's way with clay
"Ollas grandes, vasijas simétricas y asimétricas, ollas de 'hilo', tazas de 'cuerpo' y ollas nuevas que aún no se han hecho. Se incluye una sección larga y detallada sobre la cocción con aserrín, una variación de la cocción primitiva. Ejercicios para la Imaginación, para ayudar a salir de la rutina creativa; 'cuencos amados'; y una sección especialmente extensa e importante sobre el color de la arcilla, en la que se exploran formas de agregar color a la arcilla húmeda y mezclar arcillas coloreadas.
European landscapes of rock-art
Rock-art - the ancient images which still scatter the rocky landscapes of Europe - is a singular kind of archaeological evidence. Fixed in place, it does not move about as artefacts as trade objects do. Enigmatic in its meaning, it uniquely offers a direct record of how prehistoric Europeans saw and envisioned their own worlds.
Ontologies of rock art
Explore a wide range of ontological approaches to rock art interpretation, constituting the basis for groundbreaking studies on Indigenous knowledges, relational metaphysics, and rock imageries.