Ejercer la medicina: enfoque práctico Sobrevivir al año rural

Sobrevivir al año rural proponen conductas médicas sustentadas en la evidencia y la experiencia para abordar patologías de alta prevalencia en el contexto de las áreas rurales o de escasos recursos en Colombia. Incluyen además de las recomendaciones prácticas para el diagnóstico y tratamiento inicial de diversas situaciones clínicas, aspectos como la identificación oportuna de factores de riesgo que exigen remisión del paciente a centros de mayor complejidad, o apoyo especializado, o la previsión de eventuales deficiencias de insumos y recursos tecnológicos.

La vacunación contra el virus del papiloma

Este libro analiza las trayectorias que condujeron a la creación de la política pública para la vacunación contra el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en Colombia. Al trazar la interacción entre corporaciones, filantropía corporativa y organismos multilaterales de salud, se devela el conflicto de intereses subyacente a la implementación de esta política pública dirigida a la salud sexual y reproductiva de las mujeres en países en desarrollo. La intervención en Colombia reprodujo discursos coloniales sobre la conformación del saber en relación con los cuerpos de las mujeres.

Clinical Genetics and Genomics of Aging

The world population is rapidly aging-it is estimated that by 1950, around 17% of the population will be elderly. In this context, aging involves several physiological, psychological and highly complex social processes that vary from one person to another. For a long time, medical care for older adults has focused on treating chronic, age-related diseases and their associated consequences. Recently, biomedical research brings a novel point of view to develop more effective interventions by targeting the aging process itself rather than separate conditions.

Entrepreneurship in the Raw Materials Sector

The Entrepreneurship in the Raw Materials Sector proceeding is a collection of papers focusing on the macroeconomic aspects of green growth, the business opportunities in the raw materials sector, and the challenges in entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship training. These papers were presented during the closing conference of LIMBRA ('Decreasing the negative outcomes of brain drain in the raw materials sector'), a project funded by EIT RawMaterials in the period of 2019-2021.

Halal Development

The development of the halal industry both in the fields of food, beverages and services, resulted in an International Seminar was held, which provides a more complete understanding of halal products and developments and serves as motivation to produce halal products, providing research results from the topic of halal development.

The Hype Machine

A landmark insider's tour of how social media affects our decision-making and shapes our world in ways both useful and dangerous, with critical insights into the social media trends of the 2020 election and beyond “The book might be described as prophetic.... At least two of Aral's three predictions have come to fruition.”—New YorkNAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY WIRED • LONGLISTED FOR THE PORCHLIGHT BUSINESS BOOK AWARD Social media connected the world—and gave rise to fake news and increasing polarization.

Absent Management in Banking How Banks

Christian Dinesen, a talented analyst and successful senior executive, is helping us understand why history repeats itself in the banking sector since the Medici. Banking is the blood system of all economies. It needs experts, but often lacks real managers. Christian’s advocacy for more simplicity and his great analysis of historical precedents will help the reader detect earlier the warning signals of the next big crisis.

The UX design

Whether you’re new to the User Experience field or just want to refresh your UX knowledge, The UX Design Field Book is your go-to quick reference guide for everything about User Experience Design. This essential guide provides fast-access, high-level overviews of the core knowledge of UX Design, including: The UX Design Process - Usability Research - Visual Design - Interaction Design - Information Architecture - Usability Testing - UX Writing Accessibility. Ethical Design Principles - UX and Design Glossary - Additional Reading Lists


In architectural history, just as in global politics, refugees have tended to exist as mere human surplus; histories of architecture, then, have usually reproduced the nation-state's exclusion of refugees as people out of place. Andrew Herscher's Displacements: Architecture and Refugee, the ninth book in the Critical Spatial Practice series, examines some of the usually disavowed but arguably decisive intersections of mass-population displacement and architecture—an art and technology of population placement—through the twentieth century and into the present.
