The Handbook of Historical Economics

The Handbook of Historical Economics guides students and researchers through a quantitative economic history that uses fully up-to-date econometric methods. The book's coverage of statistics applied to the social sciences makes it invaluable to a broad readership. As new sources and applications of data in every economic field are enabling economists to ask and answer new fundamental questions, this book presents an up-to-date reference on the topics at hand.

The 21st Century Singularity and Global Futures

This book introduces a 'Big History' perspective to understand the acceleration of social, technological and economic trends towards a near-term singularity, marking a radical turning point in the evolution of our planet. It traces the emergence of accelerating innovation rates through global history and highlights major historical transformations throughout the evolution of life, humans, and civilization.

Mies van der Rohe

Construida entre 1945 y 1951, la Casa Farnsworth en Plano, Illinois, es una de las obras más famosas de Mies van der Rohe. Habiéndose mudado a los Estados Unidos justo antes de la guerra, abrazó las nuevas oportunidades que el país le brindaba para su visión modernista.

Urban play

In Urban Play, Fábio Duarte and Ricardo Álvarez argue that the merely functional aspects of technology may undermine its transformative power. Technology is powerful not when it becomes optimally functional, but while it is still playful and open to experimentation. It is through play--in the sense of acting for one's own enjoyment rather than to achieve a goal--that we explore new territories, create new devices and languages, and transform ourselves.

Manuale di psicogeografia

Secondo una definizione corrente, la psicogeografia è una metodologia d'indagine dello spazio urbano, fondata verso la metà del secolo scorso da un gruppo di giovani brillanti e scapestrati tra i quali Guy Debord sarebbe divenuto sicuramente il più noto. Come semper accade con le definizioni, nella loro rigidità si perde gran parte della vitalità alla base di ogni esperienza genuinamente rivoluzionaria.

Solving product design exercises

Practice your product design and UX skills. Prepare for your next job interview. Redesign the NYC metrocard system. Design a dashboard for a general practitioner. Redesign an ATM. Learn how to solve and present exercises like these, that top startups use to interview designers for product design and UI/UX roles. Today top companies are looking for business-minded designers who are not just focused on visuals. With this book you can practice this kind of mindset, prepare for job interview, learn how to interview other designers and find concepts for projects for your portfolio.
