Los test constitucionales

Los test constitucionales existencia, legitimidad y fundamento, el test para la admisión de la demanda en la acción de inconstitucionalidad, el test de sustitución. el control de las enmiendas o reformas a la constitución, el test para el examen de vicios de forma en el trámite de las leyes.

Opciones reales en teoría y práctica.

Decision-makers in business and economics face a staggering array of problems. For example, managers of growing firms have to decide when to expand their business, governments have to decide whether to undertake large infrastructure investments, and managers of oil firms must decide how rapidly to deplete their reserves. While these problems seem quite diverse, they all share many important features.

Gestión moderna de portafolio

Presenta a nivel teórico y aplicado los principales desarrollos que han consolidado la teoría moderna de portafolio. Para ello, se presentan los elementos fundamentales del modelo media-varianza introducido por Markowitz en 1952 para la construcción de portafolios óptimos, así como sus principales extensiones mediante la incorporación de otras medidas de riesgo como: las medidas de semivarianza, el VaR o CVaR, entre otros; así como diferentes medidas de desempeño como: Sharpe, Sortino, Treynor, Omega, entre otras.

International Financial Management

International Financial Management provides students with a foundation for analysis through a text that is well-organized, comprehensive, and provides up-to-date coverage of the topics. Like the first nine editions, it is written based on two tenets: emphasis on the basics and emphasis on a managerial perspective. The scope and content of international finance has been fast evolving due to cycles of deregulations and regulations of financial markets, product innovations, and technological advancements.

Milton Friedman : the last conservative

"Milton Friedman was, alongside John Maynard Keynes, the most influential economist of the twentieth century. His work was instrumental in the turn toward free markets that defined the 1980s, and his full-throated defenses of capitalism and freedom resonated with audiences around the world. It’s no wonder the last decades of the twentieth century have been called “the Age of Friedman”—or that analysts have sought to hold him responsible for both the rising prosperity and the social ills of recent times."--Suministrado por el Editor.
