Tertuliandes: Japón

No se pierdan este miércoles, en nuestra tarde de tertulia, la oportunidad de conocer y hablar con la coordinadora del Centro Cultural del Japón en la Universidad de los Andes, Mari Asano. Ella, quien reside hace más de cuatro años en nuestro país, nos hablará sobre sus sensaciones e impresiones de nuestra cultura, así como las costumbres y hábitos que más extraña de su hogar y país. Nos dirá cuál ha sido la fruta que más le ha gustado y qué tenemos en común lxs colombianxs y los japonesxs.

Tertuliandes: Japón

No se pierdan este miércoles, en nuestra tarde de tertulia, la oportunidad de conocer y hablar con la coordinadora del Centro Cultural del Japón en la Universidad de los Andes, Mari Asano. Ella, quien reside hace más de cuatro años en nuestro país, nos hablará sobre sus sensaciones e impresiones de nuestra cultura, así como las costumbres y hábitos que más extraña de su hogar y país. Nos dirá cuál ha sido la fruta que más le ha gustado y qué tenemos en común lxs colombianxs y los japonesxs.

Ocular Pathology

Book designed to keep you up to date with every aspect of the field, from current imaging techniques to genetics and molecular biology to clinical pearls, Ocular Pathology provides the concise yet complete information you need for board exams and clinical practice. Includes new coverage of genetics and molecular biology, complications in diabetes mellitus, and the role of new drugs and other treatments for macular degeneration. Covers the latest imaging techniques, including optical coherence tomography (OCT), anterior segment OCT (AS-OCT) and OCT-angiography.

Workbook in Practical Neonatology

Using a highly effective, case-based approach, Workbook in Practical Neonatology puts neonatal evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment in a clinical context and tests your knowledge with questions and answers for each topic. You’ll find authoritative guidance on the problems you’re most likely to see in practice, including issues regarding resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, anemia, fluid therapy, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The 6th Edition has been extensively revised, with new authors, rewritten content, improved figures and tables, and many new cases throughout.

Clinical Echocardiography Review

Perfect for exam review or clinical practice, Clinical Echocardiography Review: A Self-Assessment Tool, Second Edition features over 1100 self-assessment questions to keep you up to date with the latest advances and clinical applications in the field. Written by national and international experts from the Cleveland Clinic and other leading institutions, this best-selling review tool offers a self-paced, highly effective way to assess and expand your knowledge of echocardiography and improve comprehension and retention of vital information.

Financial Crisis, Corporate Governance, and Bank Capital

In the aftermath of the 2007–8 crisis, senior policymakers and the media have blamed excessive risk-taking undertaken by bank executives, in response to their compensation incentives, for the crisis. The inevitable follow-up to this was to introduce stronger financial regulation, in the hope that better and more ethical behaviour can be induced. Despite the honourable intentions of regulation, such as the Dodd–Frank Act of 2010, it is clear that many big banks are still deemed too big to fail.
