Leadership for Innovation

Leadership for Innovation takes a look at organizations'desire to make innovation every employee's responsibility and teaches organizational leaders to create an innovative climate. Studies have revealed that although organizations desire to make innovation every employee`s responsibility, the major challenge is how to create a climate where every employee across functional units is involved in advancing innovation. Employee-driven innovation does not happen naturally, or by relaying on traditional management tools and approaches.

Corporate Financial Risk Management

Corporate financial risk management: a practical approach for emerging markets discusses about how corporate financial risk management plays out with the help of practical approach for emerging markets. This book sheds light on the evolution and scope of risk management, types of risks and their control, such as market, credit, operational, and legal risk as well as corporate financial risk management involving organizational structure and functions.

Management and Administration of Higher Education Institutions

As a new model of growth and development comes into force, higher education institutions (HEI) worldwide have to adapt and respond to a constantly changing environment. Politics, economics, advances in technology and the resultant societal change create a number of opportunities and challenges that HEI'administrators have to address on a daily basis. This volume offers practice-driven accounts of how HEI successfully embrace these challenges and opportunities. The experts and practitioners contributing to this volume reveal a complex reality of HEI today.
