Este texto resume los principales conceptos en traumatología y ortopedia para residentes de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Fisiatría y Medicina familiar, Internos, Médicos generales y estudiantes de...
- Conceptos en traumatología y ortopedia
- How to Create a Web3 Startup
Web3 is the next evolution for the World Wide Web based on Blockchain technology. This book will equip entrepreneurs with the best preparation for the megatrend of Web3 by reviewing its core...
- Regulation and finance in the port industry
This book addresses the latest organizational, regulatory, and governance issues of main port systems, linking them to the financial aspects that are currently in use regarding investments in the...
- The industrial organization of banking
This book provides an evaluation of the industrial organization of banking with a focus on the interrelationship among bank behavior, market structure, and regulation. It addresses a wide range of...
- Political economy of capitalisms
This book is the English language translation of the French publication Économie Politique des Capitalismes. Research in this book presents institutional and historical macroeconomics, through an...
- Biodiseño: biología y diseño
Nuestro planeta, con millones de años de experiencia, ha generado una gran diversidad de especies que han sido dotadas con extraordinarias cualidades en sus estructuras, mecanismos y formas, que...
- Design for Vulnerable Communities
This book aims to provide bases for reasoning on what challenges urban-architectural design for vulnerable communities will face in the coming years. Several issues, such as technological...
- The Ashgate research companion
It has become increasingly evident that effective planning for sustainable communities, environments and economies pivots on the ability of planners to see the possibilities for culture in...
- The modern architecture of Cadaques
Inspired by the early style of Corbusier and ideas on Mediterranean architecture espoused by the likes of Bernard Rudofsky and Josep Lluís Sert, a younger generation of architects found the...
- El tío Rafael
Con su estilo característico, sencillo y terso, Silvia Molina busca en esta novela a otro personaje definitivo en su biografía, uno que late en sus recuerdos de niñez y juventud. Ya ha...
- Los seres imposibles
A Antón Castro, desde niño, le fascinaban por igual delfines, ballenas y sirenas. A los primeros los vio, a las segundas las imaginó gracias a Álvaro Cunqueiro, Rafael Dieste, Gonzalo Torrente...
- Alejandra
¡Figurar la vida literaria! Tal es el propósito y el acierto de esta novela. Surge así, bajo la pluma de Carlos Luis Torres, la figura de Alejandra Pizarnik: a la vez rostro íntimo y símbolo de...