Así empezó el cristianismo

Para comprender el surgimiento del cristianismo, hay que atender a numerosos factores que intervinieron en un proceso complejo y conflictivo. En este libro se analizan críticamente textos de distinta naturaleza. Se recurre también a categorías sociológicas, porque de un proceso social se trata; y a categorías antropológicas, porque hay que dialogar con culturas diversas. Además hay que considerar aspectos ideológicos y teológicos, porque el cristianismo expresaba la experiencia religiosa de Jesús interpretada por grupos de sus discípulos de muy diferente condición.

Sales Management: A Primer for Frontier Markets

In a fast-moving era of increased international competition, frontier markets must devise innovative ways to meet demanding sales targets and maintain profitability. These efforts will only succeed when local businesses abandon the concept of sales as a checklist of persuasive arguments that lead a customer to make a purchase and accept that building enduring customer relationships is the key to achieving sales goals.

Reputation Management: The Future of Corporate Communications

A good reputation is vital to success in business and in life. Organisations with the best reputations outperform rivals in a myriad of tangible ways; they recruit higher quality staff, succeed with smaller marketing budgets, and exert greater influence over Governments. Although in the long term reputation is based on reality and behaviour, short term examples of organisations and individuals building unfair advantage can be seen all around us. Despite this, reputation remains an often misunderstood and neglected asset.

Fundamental Theories of Business Communication

This book examines the major business communication theories, delving into their relationships and practical applications. Many business communication studies lack a strong theoretical grounding—a deficit that creates difficulties for researching business communication phenomena and building upon previous studies. The book addresses this issue by cataloging and briefly describing the major business communication theories, as well as giving a typology of these theories to better integrate them.

La comunicación con el paciente

La publicación proporciona excelentes herramientas encaminadas a dirigir una comunicación médico-paciente eficaz. Brinda textos claros y sobre todo, aplicables al ejercicio de los profesionales de la salud y se utilizan ejemplos y anécdotas extraídas de la comunicación real con pacientes y recomendaciones sobre lo que se debe y no se debe hacer. Contiene temas de habilidades sociales y los procesos de comunicación en la entrevista clínica.

Food allergy

Food Allergy is a unique book which uses a scientific approach to cover both pediatric and adult adverse reactions to foods and food additives. Following the successful formula of the previous editions, Food Allergy has established itself as the comprehensive reference for those treating patients with food allergy or suspected allergy. This fifth edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. It is a practical, readable reference for use in the hospital or private practice setting.
