The Innovator's Prescription

Our health care system is in critical condition. The Affordable Care Act has insured more Americans than ever, yet deductibles keep rising and costs continue to climb. Now more than ever, the industry needs a shot in the arm. It needs The Innovator’s Prescription, the now-classic approach to efficient, affordable health care.

Hurst's The Heart

Cardiology’s cornerstone text and your first place to turn for the latest developments that promise better patient care. Hailed for its authority, currency, and ability to translate the latest research and advances into real-world clinical application, Hurst’s The Heart is the field’s landmark text and cardiology’s longest continuously published reference book. Written to meet your ever-changing clinical information needs, this trusted classic offers a solid foundation in cardiovascular medicine and complete coverage of all major cardiovascular topics.

Understanding Telehealth

From email to videoconferencing, telehealth puts real-time healthcare solutions at patients’ and clinicians’ fingertips. Every year, the field continues to evolve, enhancing access to healthcare, supporting clinicians, and improving the patient experience. However, since telehealth is in its infancy, no text has offered a comprehensive, definitive survey of this up-and-coming field―until now. Written by past presidents of the American Telemedicine Association, Understanding Telehealth explains how clinical applications leveraging telehealth technology are optimizing healthcare delivery.

Smith’s Patient-Centered Interviewing

A comprehensive, evidence-based introduction to the principles and practices of patient communication in a clinical setting Smith's Patient-Centered Interviewing, Fourth Edition presents a step-by-step methodology for mastering every aspect of the medical interview. Readers will learn how to confidently obtain from patients accurate biomedical facts, as well as critical personal, social, and emotional information, allowing them to make a precise diagnosis, develop effective treatment plans, and forge strong clinician-patient relationships.

Practical Office Orthopedics

Especially written for the primary care provider, Practical Office Orthopedics delivers outstanding full-color drawings, state-of-the-art radiographs, and a step-by-step approach to the evaluation and management of common bone and musculoskeletal complaints. This unique text is authored by Dr. Edward (Ted) Parks, whose practical orthopedics workshops at the regional and national American College of Physicians conferences have received top ratings from primary care providers of every experience level.

Governance of Digitalization

Digitalization creates unique opportunities and poses transformational challenges for many companies across industries. In that context, the governance of digitalization has become the key success factor in mastering digital innovation and transformation. It requires boards of directors as well as top management teams to fully understand digital trends, identify their implications, derive adequate digital strategies, execute them swiftly, and monitor their diligent implementation.

Sustainable Growth and Development of Economic Systems

This contributed volume presents the outcomes of multidisciplinary studies on the problem of sustainable economic development. The key issues addressed here are economic transformation, crisis management, formation and implementation of industrial policy in the innovative economy, and the development of individual industries (oil refining, transport, education, tourism, the financial sector, etc.), as well as the problem of resistance to changes in the economy.

The United States in the World Economy

The book Provides a balanced assessment of the benefits and costs of globalization from both a conceptual and empirical perspective Considers the impact of globalization on the US economy from a multi-dimensional perspective, taking account of trade, financial, and migratory flows. Addresses a number of policy and institutional reforms at the national and international levels that can be made to ensure the net benefits of globalization are maximized and more evenly distributed.

Education Related to Economic Growth and Employment

Education Related to Economic Growth and Employment examines various aspects in relation to economic growth and employmenteducation. This includes definitions of economic growth,employment and human capital. Additionally, this comprisescases of United States and Philippines together with comparativeanalysis of developed and developing countries to widenthe understanding of this topic. Provides the reader with insightsinto the development of understanding education in relation to economic growth andemployment, so as to understand the importance of education for growth of economy.
