Economic Growth and Development

This book analyses the important role of agribusiness and rural enterprises in economic growth and development. China's inclusive development of agribusiness and rural enterprises has played a pivotal role in economic growth, sustainable development and poverty reduction. This book analyses how market, price and institution are important factors for China's inclusive development of agribusiness and rural enterprises.

Alternative Investment Operations

Alternative investments such as hedge funds, private equity, and fund of funds continue to be of strong interest among the investment community. As these investment strategies have become increasingly complex, fund managers have continued to devote more time and resources towards developing best practice operations to support the actual trade processing, fund accounting, and back- office mechanics that allow these strategies to function.

Economic Growth in the European Union

This book studies the economic recovery of individual European Union member states more than ten years after the beginning of the global economic crisis. In light of austerity policies and conservative government investments in many EU countries, it explores how higher growth rates can be achieved by stimulating firms and economic sectors with a high accelerator potential. The contributing authors analyze the effects of EU policies on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), while also studying EU policies with the potential to foster investments and economic growth.

Private Equity and Venture Capital in Europe

Private Equity and Venture Capital in Europe: Markets, Techniques, and Deals, Third Edition introduces private equity, investments and venture capital markets while also presenting new information surrounding the core of private equity, including secondary markets, private debt, PPP within private equity, crowdfunding, venture philanthropy, impact investing, and more. Every chapter has been updated with new data, cases, examples, sections and chapters that illuminate elements unique to the European model.

Paradoja de Mies

La simetría, en su condición clásica, se ha dado a lo largo de la historia como constructora de orden. Como término ampliado, es clave en el entendimiento operativo del espacio moderno.

Design and the digital humanities

The twin disciplines of visual communication design and digital humanities are natural allies, with much to be gained from mutual collaboration. The training, experience, and inclinations of both fields naturally coincide, and both disciplines are generative in nature, with the ultimate end, in many cases, of designing and creating the next generation of systems and tools.

Lettering sin límites

Vivimos pegados a nuestras pantallas y digitamos palabras sin parar. Escribir, más bien chatear, se ha convertido en nuestra forma predilecta para comunicarnos. Pero ¿dónde se quedó la bella costumbre de escribir a mano? El lettering (o arte de dibujar letras) se ha tomado las redes sociales y se ha convertido en una de las opciones favoritas de las personas que quieren volver a conectarse con la creatividad, trabajar con sus manos y alejarse de las pantallas.
