Behr, Shulamith
Women artists, Expressionist avant-garde culture, and the public sphere -- The canonizing of Paula Modersohn-Becker: embodying the subject and the feminization of Expressionism-- Käthe Kollwitz, the Expressionist milieu, and the making of her career -- Female avant-garde identity and creativity in the Blaue Reiter: the possibility of a "Blaue Reiterreiterin" -- Europeanism and neutrality as active intervention: Gabriele Münter, Sturmkünstlerin, and Swedish Expressionism (1915-20) -- The gender and geopolitics of neutrality: Jacoba van Heemskerck, the Sturm Circle, and Spiritual Abstraction (1913-23) -- The formation of the modern woman patron, collector, and dealer: from Brücke to second-generation Expressionism.