Inicio / Deeply responsible business
Deeply responsible business
Jones, Geoffrey

The Value of Human Dignity: George Cadbury and Quaker Capitalism Redistribution of Power: Edward Filene, Retailing, and the Creation of Credit Unions Promoting Choice and Facing Dictatorship: Robert Bosch in Imperial and Nazi Germany The Challenge of Latecomer States: J. N. Tata and Shibusawa Eiichi -- Educating Future Leaders: Wallace Donham, Harvard Business School, and the Push for -- Ethical Capitalism Building a Nation, Addressing Disparities: Kasturbhai Lalbhai in Colonial and Independent India Modest Consumerism, Urban Blight, Tech Solutions, and the Quest to Improve Society The Rise of Values-Driven Businesses: Anita Roddick and the Challenge of Growth Social Three-Folding: Biodynamic Farming and How to Build a Flourishing Community From ESG to B Corps: Benchmarking and Scaling Virtuous Practices

No. Clasificación: 
658.408 J552D