Es un libro dirigido a gestores, analistas, técnicos y estudiantes que quieran conocer las técnicas que permiten vislumbrar el futuro de empresas y organizaciones. Éste es un libro escrito a modo...
Novedades bibliográficas
- Aprenda a ver más allá del corto plazo
- Brazil's revolution in commerce
Narra cómo una nueva perspectiva económica se apoderó de la sociedad a lo largo del siglo XX, una época en la que Estados Unidos se convirtió en el socio comercial más importante de Brasil y en el...
- Yen & Jaffe's reproductive endocrinology
Yen & Jaffe has always been an evolving text, and that will continue to be one of its hallmarks. The ninth edition incorporates new chapters that cover advances in basic and clinical science...
- Wallach's interpretation of diagnostic
An excellent resource for appropriate test ordering and interpretation, Wallach's Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests, 11th Edition, helps you save time, avoid errors, and arrive at an accurate...
- El ABC de la Psiquiatría de Enlace
Con la publicación de esta obra es nuestra intención ilustrar la inmensa gama de terrenos en los que médicos de diversas especialidades nos encontramos frecuentemente, sin necesariamente...
- Somos nuestro cerebro?
¿Qué estamos diciendo exactamente, y qué mecanismos se ponen en juego, cuando decimos que «somos nuestro cerebro»? Desde la década de los noventa, las humanidades y las ciencias sociales han sido...
- Critical Perspectives on International
The study of International Political Economy (IPE) or of its lesser known but comprehensive twin Global Political Economy (GPE) is a relatively new discipline within the more recognised study of...
- The world that Latin America created
How a group of intellectuals and policymakers transformed development economics and gave Latin America a new position in the world.After the Second World War demolished the old order, a group of...
- How data quality affects our understanding
This open access book demonstrates how data quality issues affect all surveys and proposes methods that can be utilised to deal with the observable components of survey error in a statistically...
- Big, Open and Linked Data
This book examines the recent evolution of the concept of data as an economic and managerial phenomenon. The author first describes and discusses open data and then introduces the concept of...
- Louis Sauer : the architect
As one walks the streets of the Philadelphia, Sauer's buildings stand out for the masterly way he calibrates architectural composition and the varied playfulness of his solutions which, through a...
- Le forme della moda
La moda è un linguaggio universale. È un sistema nel quale si incontrano le fasi dell'ideazione, della progettazione, del mercato e del consumo. Maria Luisa Frisa disegna i contorni di questo...
- Nelle case : Milan interiors, 1928-1978
For the first time, a book enters the homes of Milan and describes the development of interiors from the advent of modernity to the season of post-modernism. The volume is in two languages Italian...
- Officina Gio Ponti
Il volume raccoglie otto saggi inediti sulla multiforme attività di Gio Ponti distribuiti in quattro aree tematiche, dedicate alla scrittura per le riviste che ha fondato («Domus», «Stile», «...
- Asalto al cine
Negus, Chale, Sapo, y Chata son adolescentes que viven en la colonia Guerrero de Mexico. Amigos desde la niñez, tienen demasiado tiempo y pasan la mayor parte de él ahogando sus problemas en una...