The Library System offers assistance for the scanning, printing and photocopying of black and white documents on the four floors in the General Library “Ramón Zubiría", and the Branch Libraries: Administration, Architecture and Design, Economics, Law and Medicine at their respective times.
The Andes University and the System of Libraries, take refuge to the License authorized and supervised by the National Direction of Copyright on Reprographic Reproduction, controlled by the Colombian Center of Reprographic Rights (CDR), where it establishes the LIMITATIONS for the reprographic reproduction:
“Books and other copies of printed publications, in their entirety or in part greater than fifteen percent (15%) of a work that is on sale at the time of making the copy or thirty percent (30%) when the same is no longer printed, except in the case of articles or periodical publications, in which case that percentage may be exceeded, provided that the same article is the object of reprography”