Retractations occur when a publication is invalidated, the most frequent causes are those related to errors in data, violation of ethical codes, multiple presentation of documents, data manipulation, false authorship and plagium.
Given the current importance of publications in the resume of a researcher, publishers and databases have taken as a process of control and regulation to leave evidence that there was a problem with the document, so that the warning is public and thus avoid that there are more cases in which the conduct of the investigator is not transparent. Thus, it will probably be published on the platform where the document is housed, a notice or note informing the reasons why the document was retracted.
Learn more about publication processes by requesting a Module E training in the following form.
According to Uniandino student regulations “the academic fraud is the behavior of a student that violates the rules of the University or the rules established by the evaluator, in the development of an academic activity”. The following behaviors, among others, configure academic fraud:
Disciplinary regime
Copy all or part of exams, homework and other academic activities. Using false quotations or references, or mismatching between the cite and the reference. Presenting as its own authorship all or part of a work, work, document or invention made by another person, incorporate a work of others in his own, so as to mislead the observer or reader as to the authorship of it.