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      Books and audiovisuals purchase

      Make requests to purchase bibliographic material.

Home / Services / Academic Support / Books and audiovisuals purchase

The Library System guarantees access to the information requested by each of the Faculties.

  • The dependency request.
  • Availability in the publishing market.
  • Type of access that covers more users.
  • If the book is in electronic format in collection, no additional copies in printed format will be purchased.
  • If the book is in electronic format in collection, no additional copies in printed format will be purchased.
  • Bibliographic material that complies with the purchase guidelines, established in the Library System.
Purchase request for bibliographic material

The Library System receives requests for the purchase of bibliographic material through the following channels:

Faculty Requests:

  • Bibliographic material less than ten (10) applications.
  • Bibliographic material greater than ten (10) applications.
Purchase suggestion through the Web Portal
  • In each Faculty and Department, a purchasing delegate is appointed to collect the requests for information and make the purchase request to the Library System. The interested user should contact the support staff or purchasing delegate of each Department and send their request.
  • The Academic Units may request information resources from multiple disciplines or thematic areas to be purchased, provided that they are oriented to support the academic, research and knowledge creation programs of the Andes University.
  • Purchasing delegates can check the status of each request, taking into account the document "Status of Requests".
  • The purchasing delegate may enter individual requests for the acquisition of bibliographic material, following the instructions specified in the "Purchase Requests" document.
  • In case of having more than ten (10) requests per list, these must be included in the Excel file defined for this activity, following the instructions of the document "Massive Purchase Instructions" and send it to the email [email protected], requesting the loading process and purchase management.
  • Uniandine users of the Student, Professor, Employee and Alumni audiences, other than the Delegates of the Units, can make suggestions for the purchase of bibliographic material through the form implemented in the Web Portal of the Library System. Through this option, the Uniandina community registers the purchase suggestions that are managed through the CRM tool and that are collected on a quarterly basis, to then be evaluated by the Library System.