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General information
How do I schedule training?

To request a training fill out the following - Training Registration Form.

Is it possible to locate a guide to make bibliographic citations?

Yes, you can consult the "Manual of Appointments and Bibliographic References" (APA, Chicago, IEEE, MLA, Vancouver). Additionally, the University offers access to tools that allow bibliographic citations to be made automatically in different bibliographic styles. Request training at [email protected] or go directly to the resource at: https://www.myendnoteweb.com

Through what means of communication can I make a suggestion and/or question?

The Library System receives questions and/or suggestions through the following form.

What should I do if the card is lost?

You must report the loss in any system library. If you are a student you must request a copy in Admissions and Registration. If you need to use the services of the Library System, you must present a copy of the card and identity document.

I forgot my ID. Can I use the services of the library?

Yes, present your registration code (generated by the barcode machine) and your ID. If you have proof of cancelled registration, you can also borrow the material if you need to make photocopies.

What should I do if I lose any material from the Library System?

Report the loss of the books in the Library personally or through the following form, selecting the option Loan service> Loss of the material on loan, you will be given the respective indications for its renewal and replacement.

What should I do if a material from the Library System was damaged?

Report damage to the Library System; If the damage is superficial, you should approach the library in which the material was lent. If the damage is serious and repair is not possible, you must replace the material (same title, same author, last edition) and cancel the reprocessing (security bands, internal codes). For more information, please contact the extension number: 3322.

If I am a student of another university, what can I do to consult in the Library System in the Andes University?

The Library System serves users referred by institutions with a current interlibrary agreement.


You must request the letter of referral signed by the authorized officer of your institution's Library. Users of Luis Ángel Arango Library with a category B or C card can enter by presenting their card and the identification document.

Do I have to submit my degree work to the Library System in order to graduate?

The student candidate to academic degree, has available the following web tool through which you can manage the registration and approval of your degree document.


The Library System does not receive grade-level documents; it only issues the peace and security required for the graduation process.

Where can I find the newsletter with the latest library acquisitions?

You will find them by entering the web portal http://biblioteca.uniandes.edu.co , with your University user name and password, as well as through the News Bulletin, whose service you can subscribe to by entering: ¨Services > Learning Services > News of the month".

Am I a thesis student, do I have any privileges?

Yes, the privilege is the increase in the number of loans (20 Open Collection book items for a period the 14 days). To receive this privilege, the Library System must be informed, by the Faculty or Department, of your new status as a ¨student in thesis" with an institutional memorandum or e-mail.

Am I a alumni, can I use the services provided by the Library System in the University?

Identifying yourself in the Library System with your alumni card, you can make use of the existing collections and services in the room. Additionally, you can borrow up to 5 books for 7 days.

How does the photocopying service work?

The Library System has self-service machines in each of its Branch Libraries, cards for self-service machines can be purchased at the following photocopying points: General Library "Ramón de Zubiría", third floor, Edificio Julio Mario Santo Domingo and at the CPM (Medical Practice Center). On the third floor of the "Ramón de Zubiría", General Library, assistance is provided for scanning, printing and photocopying black and white and color documents, which work during the same library hours.

What institutions have an agreement to consult and lend material in the Library Sistem of the Andes University?

Below you will find the list of national and international institutions with active agreements.

How many books can I borrow?

If you are a student, professor, graduate or active employee of the University, you can consult the assigned number of books according to your profile, entering our web portal with your username and password of the University, in the section: "Services > Use the library > External Material Loan".

Can I borrow the Journals?

Journals are publications that do not have external loans; they are only available for consultation in the room.

What kind of audiovisual material can I borrow?

The System of Libraries provides on loan, all types of audiovisual material except DVD (films), these are lent only for projection in room.


For more information: enter the web portal with your email and university password, in the section: "Services > Use the library > External Material Loan".

Can I return books belonging to the Medical Branch Library to the Campus Library?

No, books must be returned to the library in which they were requested.

How do I check my statement?

In our portal, entering your email and password of the University, to: "Services > Online Services > Account Statement".

How to reserve the borrow material?

Enter the public catalog and type your search by word or phrase, author, title or subject. When you get the results, click on the “view"; to see the complete record of the material, and verify that it is with the following indication: The system will display a form with the respective data the material; in the field “User ID"; enter the number of your university card, (professor, student or employee), once registered press the button “Make request"; and the system should inform you that your request has been registered. You will be able to verify your reservation request the next day. Note: It is not possible to separate bibliographic material from the “Reserve" collection. When the reserved material is returned and available for loan, you will receive an email informing you and you will have 24 hours to claim the book from the sending of that email, if after that time you have not taken the material on loan, it will be made available to other users.

Can I borrow the reference books?

Yes, The reference materials (Atlas, Dictionaries; Handbook, Thesaurus, etc.) are provided for 24 hours from the loan, it´s has no renewal option.

What steps I follow through the web portal of the Library System to renew the loans that I have charged to my account?

Enter the web portal with your University username and password, a: Services > Online Services > Loan Renewal.

Electronic resources
Can I print the e-books?

Depending on the collection being consulted, there are some that do not allow saving or printing, for example, the technical standards of Icontec.

If I keep an e-book on my hard drive, Can I have it there indefinitely?

Depending on the collection, for example, Springer eBooks are downloaded as a normal PDF and can be saved indefinitely, but in the case of Ebsco eBooks it is necessary to download additional software to view the book, which you can download here. The software makes the book “disappear"; from the computer once the loan period expires.

If I am a alumni, how can I consult the electronic resources?

You can access the Databases available for alumni by following these instructions.

How do I obtain a document (article, book chapter, proceedings, patent, conference, minutes, technical standards, thesis, etc.) that I do not find in the collection of the Library System?

Request articles, book chapters, and other documents, that you do not found in the Library System collection by logging to the Celsius NT and registering your institutional mail data.

How can I access eBooks off-campus?

The same way you access them on campus. Graduate users will only have access to the existing electronic books in the databases available for this profile.

How can I check the databases from my home or off campus?

Entering the web portal http://biblioteca.uniandes.edu.co with your email and password of the University, clicking on Electronic Resources.

Online payments and fines
When I try to pay my fine, the system reports "no accounts payable were found", why does this happen?

Because at the moment you have only overdue loans. In order for the fine to be generated, you must first return the materials with overdue loans.

When I try to make a payment, the system informs that 'it's not possible to obtain your basic data, contact extension number 3322 to request a referenced payment receipt', why does this happen?

This is because it currently does not appear in the University's debtor database; in these cases, the Information Point in the General Library - Ramón de Zubiría; will generate the corresponding payment receipt (after paying this receipt, the message will not come out again).

I pay my fine at the bank. How long should I wait to access loan service?

The payment will reflected until approximately three (3) days in the Library System. If before this time, you need to lend or renew your loans in the Library System, you must present your payment receipt at any of the Circulation and Loan Points.

After I pay my fine online. Can I access the loan service?

When the transaction is finish, the portal informs you that the payment made correctly; the fines or services paid are display as cancelled.

I paid my fine at the bank and lost my receipt. Can I borrow?

You can go to the bank and request a copy of your transaction and then you present that copy in the Library System, otherwise, you must wait approximately three (3) days for your payment will be reflected in our System.

What is the procedure for pay fines for the institutions with Interlibrary Loan?

External users who come to pay on behalf of their institution should go to the Information Point of the General Library ¨Ramón de Zubiría" to print the corresponding payment receipt. You can pay paid at Colpatria, Bancolombia and Corpbanca banks, and then you present the receipt cancelled.

How to pay Services or Fines?

From our portal, entering the section "Services> Online Services> Payment of Services and Fines" you can perform the following processes:


• Generate the respective receipt to pay Services or Fines in the banks: Colpatria, Bancolombia and Corpbanca.

• Make online payment of Services or Fines, through Secure Online Payments - PSE (from savings or checking accounts).

What is the schedule for payments at the University (Block Z)?

Service hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

How long does it take to cancel a fine paid by PSE?

The cancellation of the fine is immediate, if you have correctly completed the transaction, and then you have been redirected back to the web portal of the Library System, where it informs you of the outcome of the transaction.

Why does the message appear: Any of the selected items have pending transactions, please try your payment later?

This message is displayed a previous online payment attempt was not successfully completed. In this case, it is necessary that you please wait 30 minutes before making a new attempt; this is the approximate time it takes for the platform to expire the first failed attempt and enable payment again. (This message is display so that payments are not duplicate by the penalties associated with your account).

Can I access the database if I have fines?

Yes, if you have a fine in the System, you can consult our electronic resources.

What should I do if my transaction was rejected by my bank?

The user must check the balance of his bank account, to confirm that the value he was trying to pay, was not debited from his account. Subsequently, consult your bank about the basic requirements for making transactions over the Internet, and/or that your account is already enabled for this.

What happens when the System does not allow to verify or download the receipt of payment of services and fines?

When there are technical problems in the generation of receipt of payment of fines, go to any Point of Circulation and Loan System Libraries and tell you the steps to follow.

Do I have to return the books to pay the fine?

Yes, it is necessary to return materials with overdue loans, so that the system generates the corresponding fine.

If I have a fine, the Library System affects me throughout the campus?

It affects the following activities: Loan of equipment assigned to the DSIT in its different rooms, loan of audiovisual material, loan of research room in the Faculty of Administration, loans of materials from the art workshop, loan of Psychology laboratory guides and , finally, loan and renewal of bibliographic material in the Library System.

Learning spaces
Can I study in a group at the Library?

The Library System has study and discussion rooms that allow students to study in groups. The capacity is 5 people for Study Room and 8 people for Discussion Rooms. Check here the availability of Study Rooms.

Can I borrow a computer at the Library?

Yes, in the General Library "Ramón de Zubiría"; you will be able to borrow desktop computers in the Learning and Research Services Room, located on the 4th floor. Branch libraries for Administration, Economics and Medicine also lend computer equipment for two hours.

Can I print a document that I found in a database in the Learning and Research Services Room?

Yes, from the Learning and Research Services Room you will be able to send your prints to the Photocopying Point located at the 3rd Floor in the General Library "Ramón de Zubiría".

Where is the Library cafeteria?

On the 3rd floor in the General Library ¨Ramón de Zubiría" there is OMA cafeteria, which operates at the same time as the Library System.

Can I play in the Library?

Yes, on the terrace of the cafeteria in the General Library ¨Ramón de Zubiría" located on the 3rd floor, in that place you can find different board games are available for use by the entire Uniandina Community.
