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Newsletters collection
Newsletters collection

Details of the academic life and management in the University of the Andes through the Informative newsletters. This publication, which began in 1969 and ended in 1997, collects valuable information on the activities carried out at the University during this period; These include appointments, speeches, reviews and tributes to professors, history of academic programs, research projects, cultural activities, among others.


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The PhotoLibrary is a collection of approximately 10,000 unique images of great value that are part of the documentary heritage of the University. These documents constitute the visual memory, through images, that have captured moments, events, characters, employees and students, as well as buildings that allow to account for the transformation and evolution of the University.

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Snapshots Uniandes

The University is us. Without the people who walk through it every day it would be an empty place, unimportant, nothing more than a group of buildings. We fill it with life, we leave our footprints as we pass by and it leaves its imprints on us. We build it with our experiences and learnings, achievements and failures, encounters and goodbyes. Our history is intertwined with the history of the place, and one day, what we live here becomes memory, our memory, giving a very particular meaning to the squares and buildings, hidden corners and trails.


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